ACM does not have legacy costs and can therefore adopt best practices across all aspects of its operations which ensure low costs through efficient and ethical production.
ACM will partner and extract resources from carefully targeted local markets in Asia and Africa with rich resource bases that have been largely unexploited – ACM’s 5 targeted markets in Africa make up 10% of Africa’s land mass but with only 6% of production and 3% of reserves so far identified there is real potential – ACM’s 5 targeted markets in Asia make up 6% of land mass but with only 1.5% of production and 0.5% of reserves so far identified.
ACM is focused on end user demand and as such has concentrated on Critical Metals. Critical metals are metals that have been put on various government and industry lists as either being in short supply or are predicted to be in need of additional supply in the near future.
The Critical Metals that ACM has targeted have current annual sales of over $325 billion. ACM mitigate market fluctuations in metals prices by producing a basket of metals, therefore if a particular metals price is under pressure it will not negatively affect ACM’s performance.
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